“Quite simply awesome… he had the audience entranced.” Dorset Echo
“… breathless and enthralling” The Hindu
Dominic Kelly is an English storyteller who has captivated audiences in fifteen countries on three continents with his powerful, warm and witty performances. He directs performances for Norway’s national Riksscenen and teaches storytelling at Kungliga Musikhögskolan in Stockholm. He has trained hundreds of education and theatre professionals in storytelling approaches. His work helping children and young people to find their storytelling voice has won acclaim in countries around the world.
His performance Trickster was described as “Compelling, funny and heartbreaking” by The Times, and The Hero Light as “Gripping and satisfying… a rare event”.
Dominic grew up in the mountains of northern England. When not telling stories he still thinks sitting in a tiny tent on top of a mountain in horrible weather counts as fun.